How can I request a roommate?
On your First Year Application in MyHousing you will have the ability to request a roommate(s) although it is not recommended. You will have to form a roommate group and request your preferred roommate(s) who will then need to confirm that request. If your preferred roommate(s) forms a roommate group first you will just need to confirm their request as creating another group will make it so you can not request one another. There are only a certain number of Quads so a vast majority of the roommate requests will just be for double occupancy rooms. To create a group follow these steps:
Creating a new group:
You are the first of your friends to go through the contract process, and you have roommates with whom you would like to live. Maximum group size is 6.
Step One:
- Click “Create Group” below
- Enter a unique Group Name and Password
- The roommate group has been created, and you are the Group Leader
Step Two:
- Give your Group Name and Password to the person that you wish to join your roommate group or search for them by details and send a join group request.
Step Three:
- Follow instructions on how to assign yourself and members of a group to either a traditional room (Centennial, ABE, Norsworthy, Travers and Wolfe) or suite style (Cromwell) and assign each person based on availability. You can only fill one unit at a time so any groups larger than two would need to consider selecting into Cromwell. Groups larger than two all hoping to live in the same traditional building should form separate groupings of two based on time slots and try to self select into the same building and floor one room at a time.
Only students who have a signed housing and dining contract for the 2025-2026 academic year may be added to a roommate group. You may wish to check this site regularly prior to room assignments to check on the status of your roommate group.
In order to accommodate roommate requests, requests must be submitted and complete before first year housing selection. After first year assignments are made, no additional requests will be accepted or considered and room selections will be considered final for the assignment process.
Why does Residential Education and Housing not recommend requesting a roommate?
Living in a small space with a new person for the first time can be challenging, but learning how to navigate through conflict and to negotiate between competing interests are connected to a wide range of skills associated with maturity.
Students lacking previous experience living on their own may find it difficult to address conflicts that arise when both roommates share a common past, common friends, common interests, or familiar ties. In these situations, students may find it challenging to address minor problems objectively. Small conflicts can become exacerbated when roommates share space not only in the residence halls, but also in the classrooms, on the playing fields and in social circles.
Remember, when living with others, the end goal is not to find a perfect roommate; such a pairing does not exist. Instead, the virtue of a residential experience lies in learning how to question your own assumptions, explore your own values, and identify your own expectations, so you may learn to live and work closely with others.
When going through Room Selection as an individual students will have a chance to see the name and Profile Response answers from the Housing Application. We encourage students to try to fill another space in a room if selecting as an individual to ensure empty rooms can remain open later in to the process for requested roommates. If you and your selected roommate have differences in your Profile Questionnaire, our staff will be working with all students to create a Shared Living Agreement and set expectations as it comes to Room Cleanliness, Guest Visitation, Sharing Belongings, Appropriate Noise levels etc. How a student completes the Personal Profiles on the Housing Application are not always an accurate representation of who they will be when they live on campus so we would say to have an open mind and do your best to find common ground and compromise.