Lion’s House is a place where students in recovery and allies of recovery can live together and fully participate in the college experience.
There is nothing quite like coming home to a place that is substance-free and dedicated to healing, personal growth, and fellowship.
Lion’s House is a substance-free residential program for TCNJ students who identify with, and are committed to, recovery. Students that participate in the Lion’s House program have the opportunity to live with other students in recovery within TCNJ’s Substance Free Residence Hall. Students living in Lion’s House are expected to be active members of the TCNJ Collegiate Recovery Community (IG: @tcnjcrc) and to be engaged in recovery sustaining activities (individual counseling, one-on-one coaching sessions, meeting attendance (NA/AA/All Recovery), etc.).
If you’d like to learn more about Lion’s House visit the Lion’s House: Recovery Housing page.
Only Interested in Substance Free Housing?
TCNJ offers substance free housing, on an as-needed basis. For students who are interested in this living option, a substance-free environment is defined as one where the following is prohibited: all use of tobacco (including hookah, e-cigs, pipes, cigars and cigarettes), alcohol, illegal drugs, cannabis/cannabis-type products or the misuse/abuse of prescription drugs. Additionally, neither residents nor their guests may return to the environment under the influence of any of the aforementioned substances.
Students will be placed in substance free housing on a first come-first served basis, once they’ve signed the Substance-Free Housing Agreement. Priority may be given to students in recovery. Substance free housing is available to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students interested in living in this housing option should contact Housing via email (